Hot Stuff
Pinyon-Juniper Forests Pinyon & Juniper Woodlands: Balancing the Ecological and Political Trade-offs. January 2024. PDF of PPT. Presented at Western Watershed Project’s Jinyon-Juniper
Attaining 30x30 50x50 in Oregon. March 2024. Pdf of PPT. Presented at Public Interest Environmental Law Conference, Eugene.
Attaining 30x30 50x50 in Oregon. May 2023. Pdf of PPT. Presented at Oregon Rewildling Conference, Camp Sherman.
Contribution of Federal Logs to the Nation’s Wood Consumption. Larch Company Memorandum January 2021.
Elliot State Forest: Making $100 Million Go As Far As Possible Divest High-Value Conservation Lands From the Common School Fund
Elliot State Forest: Biologically Necessary Riparian Buffer Widths on the Elliott State Forest
Elliot State Forest: An Alternative for the Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians
Elliott State Forest: Oregon Softwood Lumber Industry 1995-2012: Fewer Mills and Jobs, But Larger Timber-Processing Capacity
Existing National Recreation Trails in Oregon (September 2018).
National Wild and Scenic Rivers and State Scenic Waterways in Oregon (revised 2018).
PDF of PowerPoint Presentation in Bend, Oregon 19 September 2018
Precedent for Secretary Zinke’s Gut-Job on the National Monuments
Formal Administrative Rulemaking Petition to the Drug Enforcement Administration to Remove Industrial Hemp from the Drug Schedules. (see Industrial Hemp interest page for more details.
Kerr, Andy. 13 August 2015. Outstandingly Remarkable Values Identified for Wild and Scenic Rivers in Oregon. Memorandum to Interested Parties. The Larch Company, Ashland, OR and Washington, DC.
DellaSalla, Dominick. 2014. Conservation Gain and Losses of Senator Ron Wyden's Proposed Oregon and California Land Grant Act Compared to the Northwest Forest Plan. Geos Institute.
Revised Larch Occasional Paper of Wild and Scenic rivers in Oregon (2015).
PDF of PowerPoint Presentation at Oregon Wilderness Conference, 6 June 2014.
Oregon Desert Guide: 70 Hikes
Oregon Wild: Endangered Forest Wilderness
The National Wilderneess Preservation System in Oregon: Making It Bigger and Better
Kerr, Andy. October 15, 2013. Logging Increase Won't Lead to Job Boom: Guest Opinion. The Oregonian.
Kerr, Andy. 2013. A Self-Pumped Solar Hot Water System. Home Power, June and July. No. 155.
New Report: Ecologically Appropriate Restoration Thinning in the Northwest Forest Plan Area.
Information on efforts to further industrialize and/or effectively privatize federal public forestlands managed by the Bureau of Land Management in Western Oregon.
Most of Oregon Desert Guide: 70 Hikes is now available online here.
Chief Seattle famous speech, though a very powerful came from a movie rather than his lips. Click here.
My Larch Occasional Papers can be found here.
If you want to retain my services, click here.
My media profile of today is at least two orders of magnitude less than when I was getting more than my fifteen minutes, but it is not zero; click here.
To learn more about the Klamath-Siskiyou Ecoregion, click here.
To learn of the trails and tribulations of building a new state-of-the-art, super-insulated, passive- and active-solar, and toxic-free earth-, people- and pet-friendly habitat click here.