Andy Kerr

Conservationist, Writer, Analyst, Operative, Agitator, Strategist, Tactitian, Schmoozer, Raconteur


Andy Kerr’s Public Lands Blog

To see the current and recent Public Lands Blog posts in reverse chronological order, click here.

To see all of my Public Lands Blog posts since its inception in 2016, click here.

To subscribe to my generally fortnightly Public Lands Blog, delivered by email, scroll to the bottom of the left column, enter your first name, last name, and email address and click “SIGN UP".

Do You Have the Right Guy?

Let' first make sure you have the Andy Kerr you want. I'm the card-carrying conservationist that splits his time between Ashland, OR and Washington, DC. I also write on energy efficiency and renewable energy. I know or know of several other Andy Kerrs in Oregon, some of whom have had anger toward me misdirected at them, or otherwise resulting in confusion and/or hilarity (perhaps you had to be there).

Getting Around the Website

It's all about left-column navigation.

HOT STUFF is my latest doings or links to pages on this site I've mentioned at a recent talk, etc.

COLD STUFF should only be viewed if you can really handle the truth.

SEARCH is as easy as entering a key word(s). The more key words, the more narrow the search.

ABOUT THE BANNER is about the lovely (obviously I did not take it) banner image. It's in Oregon, of course, but can you guess where?

CONTACT is the the way to email me through a web page.

Click on "Interests" to get a menu of particular topics I'm interested in. Choose one to delve. Click on "About" and it's all about me; what've I done, doing and intend to do; books and articles I've published, photographs, what others have said, etc. Click on "Other Matters" learn more about the western larch tree, see my Larch Occasional Papers, getting permission to reprint my work, etc. Click on "Oregon Desert Guide" to see words, maps and tables (but not photos) of Oregon Desert Guide: 70 Hikes. Click on "Hate Mail" to see what some (it is my policy to post it all; but alas, I don't get anywhere the amount I used to).

Staying in Touch


I blog on public lands conservation and will be blogging soon renewable energy. In the navigation column at left, click on the RSS image for the blog of your choice to get a URL for my blog or to load the blog into your RSS reader.

Social Media

With extreme ambivalence, I am "on" Facebook, Twitter and Linked-In (click on the ubiquitous icon at left). I will not promise, but will endeavor, to get better at it. Yes, I am aware is is 2018, but I'm hoping they've peaked.